N1GY- The simple Approach to Ham Radio

and My Model Railroad Hobby

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      I am offering the Powerpole Powerblocks seen on their own page elsewhere on this site at reasonable prices. (10, 15 and 20 dollars for the 4, 6 or 8 Powerpole sets).  I can build custom configurations upon request (and discussion) I will also be happy to build the headset adapters found elsewhere on this web site upon request for $30. All prices are plus shipping ofcourse. 


     Within the past year, I have added some pages on My Model Railroad. I have been away from Model Railroading for some 40 years or more. I recently (October 2019) rediscovered the joys of model railroads. This has not replaced my love of Ham Radio, merely added a second hobby that allows me to build stuff of a different sort. I have shed some of the extra duties in Ham Radio that I had accumulated over 30 year as an Amateur Radio Operator in order to give me time to devote to this new avocation. I think that the two hobbies can co-exist quite easily on this web site so I plan on writing about both as time permits. 


My new License Plate FINALLY!!!!!!

A web site for the ham operator who likes to keep things simple, and some thoughts on my other Hobby, Model Railroading


       My name is Geoff Haines, My call sign is N1GY and I have been an amateur radio operator since 1992. I was licensed initially as a Tech Plus (N1LGI) and over the years I have upgraded as the spirit moved me until I attained the Extra rating in 2005. I am a member of four amateur radio clubs plus the ARRL and the West Central Florida Section of the ARRL. I am a past president of the Manatee Amateur Radio Club Inc. and have previously served as an Assistant Section Manager and was the Technical Coordinator for the West Central Florida Section, a position from which I retired in December2019. I have served in the past as a Director and then President of the West Central Florida Group Inc., operators of the NI4CE linked repeater system. These days I try to concentrate on my duties as a Technical Specialist for the WCF Section and on trying to keep my various radios all running and working properly. Sometimes I even succeed, at least temporarily. 

         Occasionally I write articles for QST Magazine. I enjoy homebrewing little gadgets for the radio room like mic selectors and headset adaptors. I also enjoy constructing antennas to solve the needs of my particular situation. I write about these devices and some of these writings wind up in QST. They also wind up on these pages. I am also an active model railroader and have devoted a few pages on this site to that project as it proceeds to completion.

          My purpose is to develop a resource for those hams who are intrigued by DIY amateur radio, but do not want to get into a major project right away. I want to help other electronically challenged hams like myself to get comfortable with this amazing hobby. 

          I want to point out that this new site is now hosted by a different company than my old site. Due to a decision by Verizon to stop hosting personal web sites, I had to rebuild my site from scratch at my new host, Go-Daddy. They (Go-Daddy) have been very helpful in making the transition as easy as possible, but because the two systems are not compatible, I have had to retype and rebuild everything from scratch. I hope you, the viewer, will find everything you need in the content. If not, please feel free to contact me and request further information on a particular project.

         One of the changes appears to be that I will  no longer be able to add my blog style updates to this front page. To solve this, I have created a specific "Blog" Page so I can still add comments as they occur to me, here in the Radio Room.

           Apparently, This web site will also not be able to have a "Guest Book" in the usual sense. I have discussed this with my hosting provider and at present such a page is not available on their site building program. I guess I will have to live with that. However,  should you desire to leave a comment after visiting my site, I encourage you to use the contact page near the top of the navigation panel on the left side to send me an email telling me whatever you liked or didn't like about the web site. I have had to drop a few pages from the old web site that were no longer pertinent. If you have visited my site before and cannot find the page you were looking for, pleaser email me via the contact page and I will do my best to get you the information you request.